Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Triple Chocolate mousse cake

Triple Chocolate mousse cake.

Triple Chocolate mousse cake You can have Triple Chocolate mousse cake using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Triple Chocolate mousse cake

  1. You need of Lapisan dasar.
  2. Prepare 200 gr of Oreo, haluskan.
  3. It's 60 gr of butter, lelehkan.
  4. It's of Lapisan 1, dark chocolate mousse.
  5. You need 150 gr of dcc.
  6. You need 280 gr of whipping cream.
  7. It's 4 gr of gelatin bubuk.
  8. Prepare 20 ml of air dingin.
  9. You need of Lapisan 2, milk chocolate mousse.
  10. Prepare 100 gr of wcc.
  11. It's 50 gr of dcc.
  12. You need 280 gr of whipping cream.
  13. Prepare 4 gr of gelatin bubuk.
  14. Prepare 20 ml of air dingin.
  15. Prepare of Lapisan 3, white chocolate mousse.
  16. It's 150 gr of wcc.
  17. Prepare 280 gr of whipping cream.
  18. It's 4 gr of gelatin bubuk.
  19. Prepare 20 ml of air dingin.
  20. It's of Topping.
  21. You need of Coklat bubuk.
  22. Prepare of Strawberry.

Triple Chocolate mousse cake instructions

  1. Lapisan dasar, Haluskan Oreo dgn Cooper lalu tuang butter leleh, aduk rata lalu tuang ke loyang bongkar pasang, padatkan lalu simpan dlm kulkas 30menit.
  2. Lapisan 1, dark chocolate mousse 1. Campur gelatin dan air dingin, biarkan mengembang sekitar 15 menit. 2. Campur dcc dan sebagian whipping cream, lelehkan dgn cara di tim 3. Lelehkan gelatin dgn cara dipanaskan diatas kompor dgn api sangat kecil (sebentar saja sdh cair) lalu masukkan gelatin ke dlm dcc + whipping cream yg telah dicairkan. Sisihkan 5. Mixer sisa whipping cream sampai lembut mengembang lalu masukkan campuran dcc + whipping cream, mixer rata dgn kecepatan rendah, tuang ke loyang.
  3. Lakukan hal yg sama pada lapisan 3 dan 4.
  4. Simpan dlm kulkas minimal 4 jam ato semalaman. Lepaskan dari loyang lalu taburi dgn coklat bubuk & strawberry sebagai hiasan pada bagian atas cake.

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