Easiest Way to Make Delicious Super Moistt Steamed Chocolate Cake

Super Moistt Steamed Chocolate Cake.

Super Moistt Steamed Chocolate Cake You can cook Super Moistt Steamed Chocolate Cake using 15 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Super Moistt Steamed Chocolate Cake

  1. It's 90 gr of Butter.
  2. It's 100 gr of gula pasir halus.
  3. Prepare 100 gr of susu cair full cream.
  4. Prepare 1 butir of telur kocok lepas.
  5. You need 50 gr of tepung Cake/kunci biru/terigu protein rendah.
  6. It's 25 gr of coklat bubuk good quality.
  7. It's 1/4 sdt of baking powder.
  8. Prepare 1/4 sdt of soda kue.
  9. You need 1/2 sdt of esens vanilla (opsional, klo gk punya jga gpp).
  10. It's of Saus Cokelat (Opsional).
  11. Prepare 60 gr of skm putih.
  12. You need 1 sdt of minyak sayur.
  13. It's 40 cc of susu cair.
  14. Prepare 30 gr of coklat bubuk.
  15. It's of Larutan maizena (1sdm tepung maizena+ 3 sdm air, aduk rata).

Super Moistt Steamed Chocolate Cake step by step

  1. Panaskan Susu Cair,Butter dan Gula smpe gula meleleh (api kecil+secepat mungkin) Jangan sampe mendidih.kalo mendidih protein uda kepisah, cake bisa kering.. Klo terjadi, bismillah aja semoga jadi.. Tapi klo kering ya... pasrah :').
  2. Kocok lepas telur+Essens Vanilla,tuang ke dalam cairan susu yang sudah hangat kuku, lalu aduk rata pake Whisk..
  3. Masukkan ke campuran tepung (terigu, coklat, baking powder dan baking soda) yang uda di ayak,aduk rata pake whisk. Kukus dengan api sedang selama 20-25 menit. Sesuaikan aja..
  4. Olesi loyang dgn butter..
  5. Saus Cokelat* panaskan semua.. terakhir kasi larutan maizena spy kental, tpi jgn terlalu kental ya...
  6. Setelah dingin balik loyang, nanti lepas sendiri kue nya. tunggu rada suhu ruang, siram dengan saus,.
  7. Siap dinikmati!!! manis+nyoklaaaat bgt.
  8. Jadi pengen bikin tiap hari...

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